Post Processing
Landscape and Architectural Photography Workshops

Post Processing Tuition


Post Processing is an essential part of the image making process and from my experience it is often the area that lets clients down. What started out as a great raw file with lots of potential hasn’t achieved it’s full impact. We have all seen ‘overprocessed’ or ‘oversharpened’ images and cringe but it needs careful use of the tools at our disposal to ensure that this doesn’t happen to our own photos.

The aim of the Post Processing session, whether it be a day here in Preston or delivered via Zoom, is to firstly run through a possible workflow and discuss how it might be similar/different to your current practice. As we all know there are many ways of achieving the same thing in Photoshop or Lightroom and what works for one person might not work for another.


Colin Jarvis Photography: Post Processing Workshops

How it Works

Typically, clients book a post processing session at the same time as a workshop. This has the advantage that we can set the date, but I also offer a discount to those clients who book the post processing session at the same time as the workshop.

If the session is held at my home in Preston the client would bring up to 15 raw files taken on the workshop. If it is held remotely then the client would upload them to me using a site such as ‘WeTransfer’ or something similar.

Each image would be processed in turn, I would demonstrate my techniques and then the client would practice the methods on one of my PC’s , their laptop or by sharing their screen over Zoom.

What is Covered?

The image making process will begin in Adobe Camera Raw where we will apply lens corrections, straighten horizons and adjust the exposure. We will then ‘flatten’ the contrast in the image using the white, highlights, black and shadow sliders. I always start out with a flat image (lacking contrast), this ensures that shadow detail is preserved and highlight detail is recovered. It is always easier to add contrast selectively rather than removing it.

Editing will also include cloning, spot removal and any other corrections that are required. Decisions about keeping the images as either colour files or converting them to Black and White will be considered. We will mask areas of the image and work on them independently of the rest of the image. When we are ready to open the file in Photoshop we will export it as a 16bit image and start the Photoshop part of the processing. In Photoshop we will use feathered selections, levels and curves adjustments, layer masks, cloning, merging layers, dodging and burning and a number of other techniques to ensure that we get the most from the raw file.


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A Post Processing session costs £120 (£110 if booked at the same time as the workshop). It lasts for about 4 hours and can take place during the day here in Preston or by Zoom either in one full session or two 2 hour evening sessions (preferred). Alternatively you can book a single 2 hour session for £55

Colin Jarvis Photography: Post Processing Workshops